Attention: indie art & design is taking a short break until mid-June 2024. During this time orders will not be taken but we look forward to seeing all of our valued and future customers very soon!

herbert & friends on indie art & design

Designer Torunn lives in Sydney, and has a great desire to move to a cooler city that is snow covered all winter and has easy access to majestic mountains so she can go snowboarding, cross-country skiing and snow walking every weekend. Her name is Scandinavian and she is half Swedish.
Torunn has a degree in Fine Arts with a photography major, and started making softies in 2008 without much knowledge or skill in the way of sewing, but with the help of books and manuals she's improved immeasurably.
She has an unreasonable fear of leeches which she believes is the result of a scarring childhood experience where she went camping with her family and in the morning awoke to the vision of hundreds (that could be a slight exaggeration) of leeches sucking on the outside of the tent trying to find a way in. Despite her best efforts she ended up with at least three of them feeding on her, before this experience she was contently unaware that leeches existed.
Torunn can be overly competitive but tries to channel this aspect of her personality into team sports which she enjoys immensely. She is an animal lover and has been vegetarian for 18 years.
